Lead Generation

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Grow Your Business

A Powerful Tool Designed to Help You Grow Your Business Faster and Easier.

I started in a MLM company and was having a hard time finding new prospects, new people to view my business. I know with so many people needing work, it should come easy right? Well after you run out of family and friends its time to find a system. I have found that system with Better Web Builders.

Impress your visitors with a customizable online "webinar type" video presentation where you have the option to upload your photo, name, email, phone number and personal message. This is called branding yourself.

You'll have the ability to invite people to a professional online video presentation that effectively shares all the major benefits of Better Web Builder.

Your guests and attendees will see new members joining from all over the world and they will be able to sign up immediately to get the Better Web Builder system for free.

The BWB online presentation will enable you to create a duplicable and profitable method of growing your business.

This automated system can generate lots of free leads and prospects for Network Marketers?

Click here http://www.mybwbsite.com/4627666

The Perfect system to build a worldwide business, Better Web Builder gives you the flexibility to promote whatever you want. (You’re Product) Using our system can help you achieve greater success. Watch the videos to see all the ways Better Web Builder can help you and the people you know make more money.

A generic lead generation is good if you are in any network marketing organization and will not conflict with your business, that’s way anyone came benefit from this business. I am in a MLM business, and when I would offer my business to people they were in another business, and they were happy with their opportunity but with Better Web Builders it can help anyone in any business, from training to leads. Take a good look at how it can benefit you and add value to your business. See how it works and get started for FREE here: http://www.mybwbsite.com/4627666

Monday, October 31, 2011



Passing On Opportunities Repeatedly

I am a professional sales consultant for a large automobile company, and I have been through a very extensive sales training in order to sale my company product. This is very valuable training to my success and the success of my fellow employees.

I have seen an increase in my sales and I know its do to my training and putting those things that I have learned into action. Today at work one of the sales consultant ask me what is poor and I thought money and or the lack of money, but this person I work with said it was the Passing On Opportunities Repeatedly! WOW my co-worker is not in a MLM business so he was speaking of mis-opportunities in our dealership. I began to think how many times have I passed up on great value someone has sent me in my email that has the potential to enrich my life.

We all can use some extra money, but I think the truth is do we trust the information we get from our source. I have found a few people that I have started to use their recommendations and now see results.

Are you POOR? Do you Pass ON Opportunities Repeatedly? If you are looking for a product we must learn the company, and its products or service. Then we can take an educated risk. As a professional sales consultant I am taught that knowledge is what should I know + Resource is where do I get information? = Expert Sales Consultant – how do I use my knowledge? Experts know where to go for answers and maintain a professional curiosity and desire to learn. I refuse to pass on opportunities any longer I now open my emails and attend webinars but most important I use what I am taught.

Thanks to all that lead with value,

See how it works and get started for FREE here: http://www.mybwbsite.com/4627666

Raymond Richard

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lead Generations

Are you tired of attending your company’s network meetings? Webinars? Do you like the business you are in and feel it’s a great service or product? Do you need leads high quality leads? People that are interested in what you are promoting are out there!

Here’s a few ways to find leads, read blogs that are on your subject and leave messages that can help people and they may look you up or links back to your website. Write an eBook on a specific subject. Afraid it's too hard? Perhaps it's not as bad as you fear. These days there are a lot of people who can help you with the writing and publishing tasks. A book is perhaps the crown jewel of all credibility builders. Being a published author also makes it much easier to garner speaking engagements — which also generate leads. Don't forget to give the book its own website. Consider giving away electronic versions of the book, as well.

Do a video case study, and then e-mail the link to your list. The open rates and click through on video email are usually much higher. Don't forget to use the word "video" in the subject line. Post the video on You Tube and put it on your site, as well.

I like to join forum, it’s a great place to learn and share new ideas, and I like Warriors Forum, better networkers, just to name a few. These are great places to learn new ideas and try to see if they work for you.

When we focus on the process we have to go through we don’t finish, but when we focus on the outcome it will motivate us more. Everyone wants leads, but do we do the things on a daily basis to get leads? Example: post in forums and on blogs makes YouTube etc. The mentors that get leads do this everyday that is discipline! I have found a program that helps you get leads. It has great training, it teaches marketing technique to keep your business in front of people that is looking to join your business.

The name of the company is Better Web Builder it’s a generic lead generation/Training system. One of the big advantages to Better Web Builder is that they provide some free marketing tools. You can join the system for free and immediately have lead capture pages to start driving traffic to. This is a big plus especially if you are low on your marketing budget.

A generic lead generation is good if you are in any network marketing organization and will not conflict with your business that’s way anyone came benefit from this business. I am in a MLM business I would offer my business to people that was in another business, and they were happy with their opportunity but with Better Web Builders it can help anyone in any business, from training to leads. Take a good look at how it can benefit you and add value to your business. See how it works and get started for FREE here: http://www.mybwbsite.com/4627666

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Help I Need Leads @##

Better Web Builder helps you Make Money, Promote your business, and generates leads all for FREE! Highly recommended for Network Marketers or small business owners. See how it works and get started for FREE here: http://www.mybwbsite.com/4627666 

BetterWebBuilder is a major advancement for generating profits on the web. This breakthrough system is the culmination of over 20 years experience in both network and online marketing.

Throughout those years we've developed systems, tools and services that have helped average, ordinary people become rich.

Every aspect of BetterWebBuilder is designed with one goal in mind ... Put More Money

in Your Pocket!

Our mission is to help millions of people around the world enjoy a Better Quality of Life ...

by offering them a vehicle that allows them to Make More Money while having the Freedom

to Enjoy it.

We believe this can be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding experiences you have ever had.

By introducing BetterWebBuilder to others, you can ...

Help a lot of People, Make a lot of Money and Have a lot of Fun.

Get started for FREE here: http://www.mybwbsite.com/4627666


Art & Rob Phelps

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Learning Leads To Action

Today I am sharpening my skills at internet marketing. I was reading today and I came across a quote that said “Learning Leads to Action” and I thought about when I was in grade school and learned “Stop Drop and Roll” To me this was funny when will I ever use this, I will never catch on fire this don’t happen to me. Well this is a technique, you use when your clothes is on fire, but this came to my mind, that if you don’t use this technique, you may burn or the fire will stay on you longer then if you use it. We are giving a choice to use what we know (Learn) or keep doing what we perceive is working. Today I have a choice to quit running around with fire on me and not getting the results with internet marketing or I can stop drop and role this is Learn want is working and find a mentor that can teach what they have learned. This must work because someone has learned the mistakes I’m making the hard way. I will give it a try, that means listening to my mentors then trying what they suggest.

With so much information out on the net and everyone is a millionaire and have done the impossible, how do we choose a product or person that seems to work? I know that success leaves clues! I will look for the mentor that has a consistent record of following up with me, a person that keep you informed with training, a mentor you can call with problems, a person that has a blog with informed information on it and up to date.

I like a mentor I can relate to, and that seems down to earth! I like a lot of the internet gurus, and I have read the books of some. Great information, but I can’t call them to get information on ideas if it doesn’t work or maybe I didn’t follow the instruction well! I like a mentor that is accessible and remember his or her first check.

I have learned that you must be discipline in internet marketing or any business you choose to do. That mean if you have email to send out you must get that done if you are into article marketing and that is on your list to due it must get done! When I first started internet marketing I was trying every new idea that I learned and slowly became overwhelmed with information, and begin to talk myself out of work. It is truly the things we tell ourselves. When we focus on the process we have to go through we don’t finish, but when we focus on the outcome it will motivate us more. Everyone want leads, but do we do the things on a daily basis to get leads? Example: post in forums and on blogs make a youtube etc. The mentors that get leads do this everyday, that is discipline! I have found a program that helps you get leads with great training , it teaches marketing technique to keep your business in front of people that is looking for a business. See how it works and get started for FREE here: http://www.mybwbsite.com/4627666

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Backlinks are incoming links to a website or web page. Inbound links were originally important (prior to the emergence of search engines) as a primary means of web navigation; today their significance lies in search engine optimization (SEO). The number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page (for example, this is used by Google to determine the PageRank of a webpage). Outside of SEO, the backlinks of a webpage may be of significant personal, cultural or semantic interest: they indicate who is paying attention to that page.
I have been using this method to help with people comming to my GDI site, it is a FREE way to get traffic to my site. I may go to a blog and post a relivate committe on an issue and leave my wesite. This is a backlink and if used currently it will generate free traffic.
Sometimes called inbound links, backlinks are the lifeblood of Search Engine Positioning. In order for a website to be on the top of search engines like Google without the webmaster having to pay big money for advertising, the website has to have a large number of backlinks. Backlinks are links on one website that lead back to another website. The more established, high quality, and high Page Rank the website that contains the link has, the more power it has to help the linked website with its search engine position. If the website that is getting backlinks gets many High Quality and High Page Rank backlinks, the better the chance it has of being in a high position on the Search Engines.
How does a webmaster go about getting high quality backlinks to his or her website? There are many ways this can be done. Some people advocate writing and submitting articles, posting on forums, making comments on blogs. Others talk about submitting their website to various Internet directories. One directory that has an excellent reputation is called DMOZ, or the "Open Directory". This directory is probably the most respected directory online today. The websites it contains have all been placed there by human editors; there is no "automation" to this directory. The only drawback that's been discussed about this directory is that it takes so long to have a website included.

Another way that many people build backlinks for their website is to use Social Bookmarking websites. A "Social Bookmark" is a website that usually has a very popular 'community' aspect to it. Users sign up and create profiles on the sites that contain photos and information about themselves. They then can save "bookmarks" of favorite websites which can be itemized by 'tags', which are one or two word descriptions of what the sites contain, and these bookmarks can be saved to a list that's private or can be listed publicly, so that everybody can see it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tim Sebert/ Global Domain International

The Tim Sebert GDI success formula is simply treating GDI as a business, not a hobby. If you go buy a burger and fries meal and it cost less than $10 will the people at the counter still treat you right even though you only spent $10. When you treat your home business like a business you do what it takes to make a profit. Pass out fliers in your community, post ads in Craigslist pass out business cards.

Tim has been able to achieve unbelievable success in this business because he really treats it like a business and devotes time and effort into it. Besides treating it like a business he is very consistent with promoting the business on a daily basis. It is going to be important for you to dedicate time and money into promoting GDI so that you will start seeing results just like Tim is able to see.

I think the biggest thing that you must remember is you must take action everyday. Do the things you learn everyday, make you a Youtube of your business, study the marketing you want to learn then do it!! Once you are able to stop treating it like a hobby and are serious about becoming successful then you will start seeing the desirable results that you want. The formula is really that simple and it is what he follows on a consistent basis in order to be successful in this business.

You have the opportunity to make things happen but it is up to you to take the steps necessary to accomplishing all the goals that you desire to accomplish. I have started a blog and would like emails of problems or concerns that you are having along your journey and if you would please come to my site http://www.kingdombuilders.ws/ so I can help you.

According to Tim, him and his wife started of broke when they started GDI, and the $10 monthly fee was money they had to borrow! Now his story is a great story and we all have a story help yourself by starting a home business with Global Domain International because if Tim and his wife can do it we all can make it happen. Start GDI today at www.freedom.ws/rray



Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Learn to Build Your Own Websites - Classified Ad

Learn to Build Your Own Websites - Classified Ad

If you are new to Internet Marketing and would like to learn how to build a website, Watch this Free 7 Min video.
If you would like to learn about FREE Marketing please use the same technics and let me know if they are working for you
I can be contacted at rray001@kingdombuilders.ws

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Secret to creating an Extraordinary Quality of Life

The Secret to creating an Extraordinary Quality of Life

By Anthony Robbins

Every journey begins with a single step, and the journey to changing your life is no exception. If you’re healthy, if you’re growing, if you’re dreaming new dreams and setting new goals, there is always a gap between where you are and where you want to be. Bridging the gap requires just two things: consistent focus and consistent action.

1. Consistent Focus and Consistent Action

Whatever we focus on, we tend to attract. Focusing on unimportant things is a recipe for stress, but focusing on things that matter is the secret to an extraordinary quality of life.

An extraordinary life requires mastering two skills: the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment.

Achievement- going from where you are to where you want to be – requires a plan, a specific strategy. You can achieve anything you desire; simply by following certain laws, whether you want to improve your financial outlook, enhance your relationship, following a set of scientific principles will guarantee results.

Fulfillment - means experiencing tremendous joy in the process- so you feel not only the excitement of the pursuit but the enthusiasm and gratitude for the little things in life along the way.

An Extraordinary Life Comes From an Extraordinary Psychology

You can’t control the outside world but you can control your inner one. You can’t control the events of your life but you can control what they mean to you. Develop a vision, a compelling future that excites and inspires you, and focus on it daily.

2. Vision

How you see yourself in the next few weeks or what do you see yourself achieving these are the dreams you can make happen. Remember every Journey begins with a single step.

“Dream No Small Dream For They Have No Power To Move The Hearts Of Men.”

-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Raymond Richard

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Classified Ads - Advertising Your Business

Classified Ads

This advertising is FREE, if you have a low budget or no budget at all I recommend that you advertise your business with myadpost.com

Myadpost.com is getting about 11,296 page views daily. The website's most common anchor text from other homepages is AdPost, occurring 1 time. Its second most used incoming anchor text is replacement services, from 1 website. It has roughly 212,000 searchable pages. We found 2 sites that link in to myadpost.com from their homepages. We estimate that myadpost.com gets approximately 338,880 pageviews every month, and might earn roughly $982.75 monthly. The website's IP address is, which indicates that the physical location of its server is in Phoenix, AZ, United States .

database of over 1,000,000 members and more than 1,000,000 ads, you can be sure that you're onto one of the best...

" Top 10 Classifieds, as categorized by Yahoo!.. " more on Yahoo! ranking

" Top 10,000 Website Ranking - way above many other classifieds!.. " more on Alexa/Amazon ranking

" Over 40,000 visitors a day.. More than 20,000,000 page views a month!.. " view statistics

They are purely focused on advertising, visitors are highly receptive to advertisements. Therefore, your results will far surpass industry norms. Paid ads consistently generate click-through rates of more than 80%!

...and your advertising reach doesn't just end here...

Your ads also get blasted to thousands of other classifieds sites! Multiply your responses wildly by having your ad appear all over the Internet. You'll probably find that they are the only online classifieds site that offers this incredible service.

Get Started today @ www.http://rray001.adpost.com/

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How to get Free Leads

Okay today's strategy has to be one of the easiest ones,perfect for newbies and those with little technical skills. I think most people are aware of the hundreds of FREECLASSIFIED ad websites on the internet. Many network marketers start out by posting FREE CLASSIFIED ads on many of these sites. Some have gone on to really master this technique and can generate THOUSANDS of dollars in income just by placing simple FREE Classified ads online. DO NOT ignore this simple strategy. YOU WILL get results BUT you MUST be consistent. THE SECRET again is MASSIVE ACTION!! Don't just put out 10 ads and expect any results. You need to have a plan to post 10, 20, 50 ads every day on multiple sites on a consistent basis. This shouldn't take more than 30-60 minutes each day. You also need to focus on only the most popular, highly-trafficked websites with your TARGET MARKET. We've put together some of the top Classified Sites foryou to use in your training center...Enjoy,

Free Classifieds
Here are some of the bigger Free Classified sites:
• http://www.inetgiant.com
• http://www.ecki.com/links/advert.shtml
• http://www.usfreeads.com
• http://www.boconline.com
• http://www.craigslist.com
• http://www.kijiji.com
• http://www.backpage.com
• http://www.sell.com
• http://classifieds.excite.com
• http://classifieds.yahoo.com

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

FREE BOOK "Make Real Money On The Internet"

Stephen Pierce is offering his book Make Real Money on the Internet absolutely free! Just pay shipping & handling. Get your copy today. http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4202162

I received this book and Stephen Pierce was very clear on how to get your business up and running. If you do not have a business and is looking to start on the internet this is a great book to get you started.

If you have information overload, that is getting all the information you have received off the Internet and it has not paned out I recommand trying this book.

Stephen Pierce is offering his book Make Real Money on the Internet absolutely free! Just pay shipping & handling. Get your copy today. http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4202162

Thursday, March 10, 2011

FREE BOOK "Make Real Money On The Internet"

Everyone likes free stuff, right? A free
coffee, free movie tickets, a free book
...who would say no?

But what if the free book turned out to
be a surefire way to make you rich?
Would you wonder, hey, where's the catch?

Or would you jump to get your hands on it?

Let me explain...
Internet marketing guru Stephen Pierce
had it pretty tough a few years ago.

A high school dropout, Stephen got into
some trouble and ended up broke, living
on the street.

Yet today, Stephen is the proud owner of
an internet business that makes over $10
million a year. He lives in a mansion
and spends his time traveling around the
world with his wife.

And if I told you how he did it, you may
not even believe me!

Stephen makes his millions by running very
successful internet businesses.

And he spends a lot of his time teaching
other people how to do what he does best:
make real money on the internet.

When he got started, he didn't even own a
computer. He knew nothing about running
a business. Everything he learned, he
learned the hard way.

He made a lot of mistakes. But he wants
to offer you the opportunity to make it
big, without all the trouble he experienced.
Stephen's new book, "Make Real Money on
the Internet," teaches you just that.

It's the most comprehensive, step-by-step
guide to internet moneymaking that you can


Once you get your hands on this book, you'll
want to read every word carefully.

And you'll want to go back and study it
again and again, because Stephen's tried
and proven techniques are pure gold.

Here are some of the things you'll learn:

How to get your business up and running, for
FREE, and how to keep it running-even if
you're tanning on a beach in the Caribbean!

The most powerful technique internet marketers
use to keep their customers coming back
...again, and again.

Why the options are literally endless for
making money online, and how to make sure
your business is a winner!

The key to being seen and heard on the
internet. Once you have this down, you can
pretty much guarantee you'll be successful.

It's easier than you think to get started.
With Stephen as your guide, you can't go

Best of all, he's so committed to your success
that he's giving you the book for FREE!

All you have to do is go to
...to claim your free copy of the book.

Get it today, and tomorrow will bring a whole
new future, a whole new life, for you and
your family.

This is your opportunity. Are you ready?

To Your Success,
Raymond Richard

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ok Newbie Whats Next?

Ok you have started a new business whatever it is you have taken action, Good job? Congradulations on taken actions now we need people to look at our sites. How do you do that? I am learning that myself.

What I like to use since my budget is low is called free internet marketing. You can hit "Free internet Marketing" on Goggle and then read through the tons of information, but I would like to save you some time by sharing what is working for me. I like to post in forums or classified ads like www.adpost.com or www.craglist.com example: I go to the city I want to advertise in and then I put "Lost your job need a new Career learn to work for yourself" then I put my website www.Freedom.ws/rray. There are alot of forum out on the net and many more Free classified so you have enough work for years to come, but the thing is well you committe to doing the post everyday.

In closeing I hope this helps, I truely post everyday, because its Free and I know its time comsuming but it is worth reaching my goals.

Email me at rray001@kingdombuilders.ws and I will send you a free 101 ways to market your business for free.