Lead Generation

Sunday, December 16, 2012

How to master your internet business?

How to master your internet business?

I have been involved in an internet marketing business now for two years and I enjoy sharing the things that I have learned with the people in my organization or people on my list.

So how do you master your internet business? This is a question I asked myself today and the answer came to me in a book I was reading by OG Mandino: The Greatest Salesman in the World. In Chapter 13 he says I will be the master of my emotions. How can we master those emotions? Your mind tends to draft when you don’t get the results we are looking for, then we called the program we are with a scam! But did we put the work in to get the results?

Og Mandino says “Today I will master my emotions. It is nature’s trick. Little understood, that each day I awaken with moods that have changed from yesterday. Yesterday’s joy will become today’s sadness: yet today’s sadness will grow into tomorrow’s joy. And how will I master these emotions so that each day will be productive? For unless my mood is right the day will be a failure. Trees and plants depend on the weather to flourish but I make my own weather, yea I transport it with me.”

In my career as a sales consultant I have learned with the help of this book to master my emotions, and know that people we talk to are emotional people they may say “no” today and yes tomorrow but they wont say yes or no if I don’t present my business to them.

I know that if you put in a little work on a daily basis that you will soon get the results you are looking for. I like to read books on ways to grow my business, I go to the library to get books, I have brought a few eBooks, but the most important thing I have learned is to take action until I get the results I am after then do them again, then teach someone to duplicate my results.

Og Mandino in his book “The Greatest Salesman in the world” wrote - If I bring rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism to my customers then they will react with rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism and they will purchase naught.” We have a great opportunity to help people on the internet and help people in person, just don’t stop promoting your business and learn different marketing techniques then add value to your team.

Visit my website or blog and leave me a comment.

P.S. What is value? Maybe giving something away FREE that help increase someones business. Maybe give motivation away to your team.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Website Traffic It Works!

Hello My name is Raymond and I am with BetterWeb Builders,
and IWould like to show you how I build my business.

I Got Paid While Promoting My Business!
I'm doing it at APSense! It is a web 2.0 business social network
that pays you while they are promoting and growing your business.
But guess what? They paid me and I never spent a dime!

Here is how it worked for me, in 5 Easy Steps:
STEP 1 - I registered and setup my personal and business profile.
You can register here: http://www.apsense.com/invite/rray001

STEP 2 - Then I explored and joined a few APSense interest groups,
they have so many.

SETP 3 - Then I started writing some useful blogs and group
discussions content pages.

SETP 4 - In these pages APSense provide a special Ad Space where
I posted advertisements for my current business.

SETP 5 - That was it! While I advertised my business, APSense
was also paying me when people viewed my content pages.

But that's not all, they also paid me when the friends that
I invited into my network do the same thing that I'm doing.

Of course this is one of the reasons why I'm inviting you
to join my network at APSense.

So please check out APSense at the following invitation link:


"The business social network that pays you while you make your
business grow."

You can thank me later!
Best Regards,


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Need Customer

I Need Customers

Hello my name is Raymond I have been in MLM (Multi Level Marketing) for a few years, I also enjoy affiliate Marketing. With so many great sites out there, if you have the ability to generate traffic you have the ability to make money and grow your business. Without customers nothing happens. If you keep traffic and your product produce results you will keep your customers happy and with happy customers you keep money coming in.

I started with a company called Global Domain International (GDI) I like this company because it was FREE for 7 days and only $10 per month after you decided to stay in the company. As a representative of GDI you present website and domain registration to your potential customers and you get paid as long as they are a paying customer. I was all in for this and I started to tell all my family and friends. If you have any question about this business contact me at rray001@kingdombuilders.ws .

I built a nice downline, now everyone you know will not do the marketing things you will do to get traffic so people started to drop off and say the business do work. What do you do? Get more customers; find people that wanted to own their own business. Where? On the internet. I then started to read books to stay motivated, like “Rich Dad Poor Dad” Robert Kiyosaki, “Make Real Money on the internet” by Stephen Pierce, “Building On A Budget” by Mike Dillard you can YouTube all these books or even get them at your local library. You can learn all you want but you have to put it into ACTION daily.

One of the actions we most focus on is multiple ways to generate website traffic. There is no one golden way to get traffic. It’s more about having multiple ways that are efficient and effective. If you have any questions send me an email at rray001@kingdombuilders.ws

What are a few ways to get traffic to your sites? I will include the things I am using to get people to my websites

1. Myspace

2. Youtube

3. Blogs

4. Google plus

5. Webrings

6. Facebook

7. Links

8. Ezine ads

9. Adsense

10. Squidoo

I have more and those was all FREE sites you can email me at rray001@kingdombuilders.ws and request a list of marketing Ideas I use to build my business. You can go to my website www.kingdombuilders.ws and I will have links posted that can also help you build your business or just get started in a business.

Since I have been in the internet marketing business things have changed social media have changed, we have something call Tweeter, Linkin now that I use, but the main take away is to take action daily and learn then take action. My plan for today is to write an article then post it on my social media sites and my blog and email my list then hit the gym then head to work. Hope this helps email me if I can help.





Thursday, October 4, 2012

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Covey wrote a runaway bestseller in the Self Improvement Industry, titled the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This book has sold over 10 million copies worldwide! In the book, Covey lays out 7 proven principles for success.

Let me explain exactly what I think these mean and what I learned from them.

Number 1 – Be Proactive.

That’s almost self explanatory. It means you are taking the initiative. You are not living reactively, but are taking a proactive stance in your life.

Number 2 – Begin with the End in Mind.

The End is really your goal or your goals. Effectiveness is not just a matter of reaching a goal but rather of achieving the right goal. Imagine yourself sitting in the back of the room at your funeral, and what people could honestly say about you based on the way you are now. Do you like what you hear? Is that how you want to be remembered? If not, change it.

Number 3 – Do first things first.

This means to focus on your most important priorities, your top priorities. This doesn’t always mean urgent. The phone is ringing, and picking it up might seem urgent, but the caller is not always important. It could be a telemarketer. Focus on your top priorities.

Number 4 – Think Win Win

In personal, business or other relationships, exercise “interpersonal leadership” to make both parties winners. Two wins make everyone better off; two losses hurts everyone. A win/lose relationship creates a victor and leaves someone injured. Think Win Win.

Number 5 - “Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood”

Communication is a two-way street. To develop win/win relationships, find out what the

other parties want, and what winning means to them. Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes.

Number 6 - “Synergize”

Cooperation multiplies the power of one. In fact, “creative cooperation” may yield a

force greater than the sum of the parts. The buzzword to describe

this kind of relationship is “synergy,” which means bringing together a whole that

is greater than the sum of the parts.

Number 7 - “Sharpen the Saw”

There’s an old story about a man sawing a log. The work is going slowly and the man is exhausted. The more he saws, the less he cuts. A passerby watches for a while and suggests that the man take a break to sharpen the saw. But the man says he can’t stop to sharpen

the saw because he is too busy sawing! A dull saw makes the work tiresome, tedious

and unproductive. Highly effective people take the time they need to sharpen their tools,

which are, in fact, their bodies, souls, mind and hearts. It’s time for “self-renewal.”

Friday, September 7, 2012

How to Effectively Use Video to Optimize Press Release?

How to Effectively Use Video to Optimize Press Release?


Today I was reading How I could increase my traffic on my sites, to help build by list with my internet business. Well I know a lot of internet marketers talk about building your list and etc.. but how can I build a list if I don’t get traffic? I found a site http://www.free-press-release.com that will help you increase your traffic to your business.

Embedded video in a press release can not only enrich the content, enhance its readability, but also improve rankings on search engines.

In a survey conducted by Forbes Magazine, 75% of senior executives said that they watched work-related videos per week and another 52% related that they prefer to watch work-related videos on YouTube once a week. Many Internet savvy people who used to harvest information by reading text have learned to appreciate the importance of videos.

Advantages of video for press release

● One of the most effective ways to grab the attention of media professionals.

● Raise the visibility of your Web page on search engine results pages.

● Promote your video content while generating more website traffic for your brand.

Video SEO tips for news releases

● Include the keyword "video" next to the targeted topical/branded keywords you have.

● Keep the video short, within1-2 minutes.

● Have the video link to a landing page with a longer version.

● do not add a video just to have a video. A poorly made video will hurt you more than

help you.

These are a view ways to add traffic to your site; we must do these things every day to increase traffic. Don’t give up if you don’t see overnight results. Continue to put out press release and use a lot of the information you will learn at http://www.free-press-release.com and you will see your traffic increase.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

How It Works

APSense is a business social network where people come together to share their business through networking, exploring and creating quality business content. There are also tools to help you connect with potential partners and contributors to your business building.

Click on this link to start now http://www.apsense.com/addconn/27849496


Build Your Own Private Social Network. You can start building your own social network by simply inviting your friends to APSense. Friends who you personally invite will automatically be placed into your network. In addition when the friends in your network invite their friends they will also be placed in your network.

Build Your Contacts. There are thousands and eventually millions of people in APSense that you can easily meet and stay connected with. When you see someone you would like to get in touch with, simply add them to your contact list. You can send and receive messages to and from your contacts at anytime.

Join Business Interest Groups. Joining a group it is a great way to network with people that have similar interests. Find the group you are interested in joining, get to know the group members and participate in new group discussions every day!

Click on this link to start now http://www.apsense.com/addconn/27849496


Explore Articles. Valuable business related contents are added regularly! Our articles directory includes categories like business how to's, business news, marketing tips, success stories, search engine marketing and much much more. Explore, discover and learn!

Explore Group Discussions. Visit our Groups area to explore valuable discussions on today's most popular business issues. The most popular discussions are easily spotted as they are listed earlier in the search results and browse directories.

Explore RevPages. These are pages where members have reviewed their own or other business sites. Again they are arranged in many different categories, so there will be many to select and explore.

Explore Talents. Members have offered their services in the Talents area. Explore them to find if there are any talents that will meet the needs of your business.


Create Your Own Articles. Create your own article and share them with the APSense community. If users like it and it becomes popular, your contents will be listed on our hot contents areas such as our home page, newsletters and article directory. Your articles can be anything from success stories to business how to's. Take advantage of the new Page Tour tool and help your readers interact with your articles (and other content).

Create Your Own Business Discussions. Build your own group or join an existing group, in any case you can start your own group subject discussions. Join in the conversation by exploring and sharing your opinions with other users.

Create Partnerships and Outsourced jobs. Use the News Feed to update when you have a Special Offer, Joint Venture or outsourced job available to help your business grow and prosper.

Add On Services

APSense has several extra services that will help to build your business. They include Business Centers, promotional tools and other useful services. Check the Add Ons for more information.

Click on this link to start now http://www.apsense.com/addconn/27849496

Friday, August 10, 2012


Just DO IT!

I have recently read a great article by Vitaly Grinblat with magnetic sponsoring. If you are new to the internet or have not heard of Mike Dillard and the Magnetic Sponsoring programs you will get to know his works soon.

In this article he talked about action, taking action everyday to build your business and how important it is to take action just “DO IT”.

Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed.

Every morning a Lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle… when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.”

THE KEY to success…

Action is KEY.

Nothing is more important than being proactive.

No amount of positive thinking… studying… reading books… attending webinars…(and all these things ARE important to do)…

… will ever substitute taking action.

I’m HUGE on self-improvement, I spent my last three hundrend on Anthony Robbins CD’s, but there’s a time to learn and study… and then there’s time to take MASSIVE ACTION.

every day you need to focus on getting your message out there.

Free traffic, paid traffic, whatever… but you need to do something EVERY SINGLE DAY.

This consistent action is the dominant reason behind the success of the top people in this business… and any business for that matter. Today I am off work I plan to spend time with my family but I also know I need to send emails out, post articles, post in forums to help drive traffic.

I hope this will help you in taking action if you need to start something like posting a link, email your contacts or buying a product just do!


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Effective Blog and Affiliate Link Traffic Strategies

Effective Blog and Affiliate Link Traffic Strategies

Group: Web Traffic Strategies

Written by Luanne Crawford on Aug 7, 2012 3:08 am

As many of you have read, we have to be careful with Penguine and Panda updates. Traffic can come through good SEO planning in your blog posts. I like the paid plug-in, Scirbe SEO by Copyblogger, to help rate what I'm posting and to make adjustments. Its taught me a lot about on-site SEO.

Write an article for EzineArticles. Its free and a great learning platform for article writing, with its own social network of authors included. Google loves Ezinearticles, a high page ranked site. Get good at writing one article, then write another. Use Spin ReWriter, which can be used for Macs and PCs, and submit your article to other Ezines, repurpose it for a blog post, etc.

Classified advertising, link building, social media networking, forum posts, blog distribution, social bookmarking, banner ads, guest blog posting, etc, are all traffic builders. You want to have quality incoming links. Craigslist is free, and it does product traffic. Salespider is another free advertising platform, which also has paid options.

When marketing affiliate products, keep in mind that it is best to have all roads leading to your blog. So, the affiliate link can be routed through your blog using a hidden page with a url re-direct to the affiliate page - that way, all traffic is directed to the blog, then redirected to affiliate links after traffic passes through your blog.

Blog distribution can be done through RSS feeds, like Networked Blogs or Technorati. There are many others, including blog directories. Also get listed in local search and review pages, like Google Places, Yelp, etc. A good resource is GetListed.org.

LinkedIn Groups is a great way to distribute your blog links and to generate traffic. Find the top 10 Linked Groups which are well populated above 400,000. Develop quality articles which bring value to the groups and insert the link. There are lots of facebook and twitter exchanges on LinkedIn. I Like peoples' pages, then private message them saying that I liked and commented, but then ask them to visit my blog, connect on FB & Twitter in the right side bar and to please comment and share. I tell them to let me know if I can be of service in any of their projects as well. It works. IBOToolBox is another free platform for marketers where you can place banner ads and informative click-through posts while getting to know marketers and develop associate relationships.

For social bookmarking, SocialAdr, Social Monkee, and TribePro are great, and, at Fiverr.com you can request manual social bookmarking for $5.

Tell share with the group some of the strategies you have been using.


Monday, August 6, 2012

“How to get new leads to your Business”

Are you still excited about starting your business? I remember seeing the companies pay plan and hearing how easy the business is and how everyone needed the service. I could see the benefit in the business, but why didn’t my family and friends see the big picture?

I don’t have the answer to this, but I have learned how to get new leads to my business.

We don’t have to stop if we don’t get everyone we know in our business or get them excited about your product or service. We know we have a great product or service because it’s moving off the shelf we just need to position ourselves to benefit. How do we do this? Well we must master our minds first. We do this by sticking to our marketing plans, if you do online marketing; mix it with offline as well. How to get new leads to your business? Well there are many ways, mix the two of them so you can get a lot of results but don’t set yourself up for failure.

If you pass our fliers and only pass out ten don’t think you are going to get great results. I like to post business cards and fliers in super markets community boards. I also like to write press release and articles.

What that means is that you write your press release with certain keywords and the search engines will list that press release on the search rankings, many times in the top ten for those certain keywords.

A press release is basically an announcement or explanation of a product or service.

If you are in the health and wellness industry why not write a press release about your product and if someone reads it and feel they trust you they may click your link and try your product.

If you want to learn how to get new leads to your business go to www.kingdombuilders.ws and log on to “Building on a Budget” this is a great book that shows how to market your business.

Lead Generation System


Sunday, August 5, 2012

How To Put An END To Overwhelm & Frustration!!!!

I just wanted to share a post that I read today that will help you if you choice to use this little method. I have been learning to grow my MLM business and now and then I tend to get side track with all the advertising on the websites. How do we stay focus on building our business, when do we learn new technics, when do we share with our team? I want to share what I learned today.

How To Put An END To Overwhelm & Frustration... Once And For All!

It's hard when you don't know what to do... but it can be just as frustrating when there's an overwhelm of options... and there most certainly is.

Here's ONE word that can help clear up the smoke and end the overwhelm and frustration...


When you're clear about your goals, the plan of attack, where you're at and what you need to do next... it eliminates any confusion and conflicting thoughts that creep in when you're exposed to a "new" system every other week.

Anything that comes along that can HELP move you forward... that adds value to what you're doing and doesn't make you deviate from the plan...

... needs to be on your watch-list.

Anything that doesn't... well you simply don't need.

With that said, most people are confused about what it is that they need and therefore jump from one system to another to another and NEVER give their efforts time to compound and reap the rewards.

Regardless of which path you choose, which system you follow, some things NEVER change.

You need traffic...

You need to capture this traffic and turn them into leads...

You need a process for moving those leads forward to the ultimate end result...

... which is SALES and RECRUITS.

Everything else are details to help you improve each step of the process.

this new training site for home business owners are really good.They show you how to build your business without spending a bunch of money.


Thursday, July 26, 2012


Trust- reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.

How does one build trust?
What is a relationship built on?

I have found that building a relationship is hard on the internet, why? Because everyone is quick to try and take your money without winning trust. My opinion is that trust is earned and not giving. You can win my trust if your product or service is the way you say it is. Right? When I go out to eat I like my food to be warm and service to be great, and in return I pay and always tip.

In the internet business it’s good to get a mentor you can trust he or she will be able to cut your learning curve. But you as the student will have to take the action, and reaction to get the results.

When I first got started in my business my upline would call me or email me about how great the business was, then when I got in the business opportunity the information stopped. I could stop and give up but I am not a quitter. I learned that I did not want to do that to people so I built a blog and shared the things I was learning and things I wanted help on. I was hungry for information on getting better at making money on the internet.

This led me to new people and forums where people had the same problems as me or they were at a place in their business I was already at. I would share with them and they would share with me and we would share results together.

I have learned to trust the people I learn from but most important is I take the actions and then judge the results. I now like to build relationships with people by leading with truth, I use the product or service then I see if it works and I show my team and help them get results

It is truly a great thing to help people and their families maybe pay their car note or mortgage or rent. Today at work I gave a stranger information on how he could blog about a subject he like then join Amazon.com and become an affiliate and sale someone else product on his blog until he comes out with his own product.

What does all this mean? I just want to build trust with you and if you take the action I suggest I want you to have the same results I am having. I use free stuff, but we have to buy some things in this internet business also. I brought a great book that helps me with my business it was only $29 it was a great investment. This person built trust with me, I have gone out and put into action what the book said do and I see small results. But I have taken small steps just think if I took bigger ones.

I am not a writer you can tell I just was excited today at work when I checked my inbox and see another person joining my team. I want you to get the same results, if I can be of any assistance please let me know.

Today I recommend two products one called Betterweb Builder and the other is the book “Building On A Budget” I have seen good results with my primary business. I will include the links for you to discover for yourself and find truth.

1.”Building On A Budget” http://rray.buildingonabudget.com/letter.php

2. Betterwebbuilders http://www.mybwbsite.com/4353130

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Mindblowingly Simple Strategies Any Startup Can Use for Meetup Success

The Mindblowingly Simple Strategies Any Startup Can Use for Meetup Success

How To Get Free Traffic

How To Get Free Traffic

Have you tried a press release? Press release is a great way to get some huge amount of traffic and generate a large amount of leads if you have a small marketing budget or no budget at all.

Press release is a distribution service where you can promote everything about your business. You can submit news and get web traffic for free or you can use the paid service.

Websites have changed the way press releases are submitted. Commercial, fee-based press release distribution services, such as news wire services, or free website services co-exist, making news distribution more affordable and a level playing field for smaller businesses. Such websites hold a repository of press releases and claim to make a company's news more prominent on the web and searchable via major search engines.

The use of press releases is common in the field of public relations (PR). Typically, the aim is to attract favorable media attention to the PR professional's client and/or provide publicity for products or events marketed by those clients. A press release provides reporters with an information subsidy containing the basics needed to develop a news story. Press releases can announce a range of news items, such as scheduled events, personal promotions, awards, new products and services, sales and other financial data, accomplishments, etc. They are often used in generating a feature story or are sent for the purpose of announcing news conferences, upcoming events or a change in corporation.

The best part about press release marketing that it is very easy to do and you reap the benefits from doing work once for a long period of time. If you want to learn how to get traffic to your website, go to the website or click the lynk below. I look forward to earning your business.

Raymond Richard


Sunday, June 24, 2012

How To Build Your GDI Team In The Thousands - The Smart Way

Today I was reading a great post at the forum in GDI (Global domain International) by Lester Diaz. GDI fourm is a great forum to meet new people that are looking for help in their MLM. www.freedom.ws/rray

This is a great business, it only cost $10 per month to join and you can host and build websites and get paid to introduce the business. Most people that join thinks its going to make them rich with no work, so I wanted to share this post Lester wrote.

That question is how do I build a team of hundreds or even thousands of people

in GDI that actually stay?

This is a newbie mistake I made in the beginning and I was going to write about it

my GDI affiliate blog but instead decided to put it here for everyone. You see when

I started in GDI my main goal was to sponsor as many people as I could.

Even though I was sponsoring a few per week I was also losing many of my referrals

in 2-3 months and I could not understand why, the answer is very simple I was being SELFISH

and was not thinking of helping others. My goal was to make money and that's it.

With time I learned that in order to make money in this business or any other

network marketing business you have to put others first so here are a few tips that

I hope will help you build a large team.

Why would you want a large team?

Simple the BIG money is in the residual income, the bigger your GDI downline the better.

Tip #1: Don't be selfish, if you are getting signups give them away to your team

it will motivate them and encourage them to share the GDI opportunity with others

helping them make money and as a result you will too.

Tip #2: Have a system in place that your team can follow, this is crucial

again don't be selfish if you are getting signups show your team how you are doing it and

teach them to do it as well.

Tip #3: Teach your team the importance of dedication and having a daily

marketing routine so they are always working and helping your team grow by

teaching them how to grow.

I guess my main point here is being selfish with your GDI business will not give you any results,

motivate your team and teach each member how to generate results so they can copy & paste

exactly what you are doing. Now if you are already in GDI and need a lead generation system try betterweb builders its FREE to join and the training is way I joined. Log on to our website and see if this is for you www.mybwbsite.com/4627666

Monday, June 18, 2012

End The Struggle Today!!

MLM Network Marketing Training Tips – End the Struggle Today

Today I was reading an article by Nate Bianco, he posted about tips on internet marketing and how to have the right mind set and how to market when you don’t feel like marketing when you don’t see the results you want.

The statistics say that 97% fail to make money in network marketing. Well these MLM network marketing training tips will help you break through, and become one of the 3% who enjoy the rewards of time & financial freedom.

I started www.kingdombuilders.ws to share with people in my MLM that struggle to get leads, prospects family or friends to join them.

Tip #1 – Working Hard for Little or no Results

I put this #1 because it’s so critical that you understand that this is NOT like a job. I believe that if you know what to expect, and understand that it’s just part of the process, you will push through this barrier and be on your way to earning a lucrative income in your network marketing business.

You will work for several weeks or months for what seems like very little or no return. Don’t get discouraged, because only quitters never get to reap the rewards of the true financial and time freedom a network marketing business can provide.

So just know that each day you spend building your foundation, you may not see any noticeable results, but if you understand that this is the normal process to building a network marketing business, you will simply push through the process, and stay focused on the end result.

No matter how long it seems like it’s taking, just stay focused on your goals and take simple daily action EVERY day to achieve those goals.

Tip #2 – Stay Consistant

This goes without saying, but oddly enough I see a lot of people start a mlm network marketing business, then spend 1 hour every 5 days working towards financial freedom. Hmmm…

If you got a new job, and only came into work a couple hours a week, what do you think would happen? In the words of Donald Trump… You’re FIRED!

I understand most people have full time commitments, and it may seem hard to spend time every day on something else, but don’t use your “reason” for starting a network marketing business as your “excuse” not to make it happen.

Set aside a minimum of 1-2 hours 5 days a week, and spend that time doing volume producing activity. In other words, making calls to leads, sending emails or other advertising to expand your reach and get in front of new people, or training a new rep to duplicate.

One of my mentors used to say, “there are only two skill sets to building a network marketing business, 1. Sponsoring new people, and 2. Getting them started.”

Tip #3 – Work on Your Mindset

Mindset could easily be the #1 mlm network marketing tip. A lot of people look at the results they’re getting, and if they aren’t what they want, they immediately change their actions.

Although your actions may need changing, your actions are created by your beliefs. So if you’re not getting the results you desire, start working on your mindset.

Start by cutting out as much of the local and world news as possible. CNN (constantly negative news) typically has nothing to do with you, and focusing on the crap they report will only frustrate you.

You are the sum total of your thoughts, so what kind of life do you think you’ll have if all you’re doing is watching negative news that has nothing to do with you.

Instead, replace this negative information with positive, personal growth books and CD’s. I recommend taking at least 15 to 30 minutes a day to read a personal growth book or audio CD. First thing when you get up perfect. While you’re working out or driving in your car are two ways to fit this in without sacrificing any extra time.

Don’t skip this one though, garbage in will guarantee garbage out. You must feed your mind with positive growth stimulating thoughts in order for your bank account to grow. I like to youtube people like Anthony Robbins.

Tip #4 – Who is Infuencing you?

Be very careful who you listen to. Don’t let the friend or family member who works at McDonald’s crush your dreams. Or even the person who earns $100K per year but spends 60-80 hours at a job that keeps them from enjoying life.

I’m not putting these people down, every one that provides a helpful service is valuable to society no matter what they do. All I’m saying is NEVER take advice from ANYONE who doesn’t have what you want, PERIOD.

Staying plugged into your company and upline training is very important to your success in network marketing. It seems like common sense but I see so many people start their mlm network marketing business, set their sight on their dreams and goals, and then two weeks later some family or friend all of a sudden an expert on time and financial freedom.

So network marketing tip #4 is, love your friends and family, but when it comes to advice on achieving your dreams and goals, ONLY take advice from those who already have what you want. That just makes sense right? Robert Kiyosaki in “Rich Dad Poor Dad” says take advice for some one that has what you want.

Follow these 4 simple mlm network marketing tips, and you will start to see measurable improvements in your results. Pomote your Betterweb Builder lynk, log onto webinars and learn but more important do what you learn! Log on to our website and see if this is for you


Monday, March 26, 2012

Newbie 101: Never Give UP

Newbie 101: Never Give UP: I like to read books and articles because I believe clues for success are left for those that search for them. Today I am reading Joyce Meye...

Never Give UP

I like to read books and articles because I believe clues for success are left for those that search for them. Today I am reading Joyce Meyer book “I dare you” in this book she talks about having the mental toughness to make it through our pass and overcoming setbacks.

I like when she says we all experience disappointment in life and endure many things that try to convey the message we are not going to make it or we won’t get what we had hoped for. We cannot always control all of our circumstances, but we can control the attitudes of our hearts. A person who refuses to give up will be successful! His circumstances may have him “sitting down” for a while, but if he keeps standing up on the inside, he or she will outlast their circumstances and eventually see their dreams come true. Our attitude must be: I will never give up!!!!

When I read this I was thinking how can I apply this to my life? Well I have been doing internet marketing now for almost two years. I started with Global Domain International and I also market Better Web Builders. I got a lot of people started with Global Domain International but then they started falling off my down line, this lead to me feeling bad and wanting to quit. I started to learn from books that I was reading how to focus on the goal not what I had to go through. I was getting motivated to keep marketing my business then I found better Web Builders, I felt I did not have to work as hard but I still needed to be consistent.

I now know that whatever we do we must do it everyday, or know that there is no power like the power of now!! Example for me is, everyday I need to write something motivational on Facebook or different forum send them my lynk to my blog which talks about my internet business, or do some form of marketing to get people to my business sites. I like to read about different forms of internet marketing, example is forum marketing; blog marketing, article marketing etc. then I go out and try them.

I now know that there are a lot of people in the world that need help and it’s up to me to introduce them to ways of making money. Nothing comes easy but it will grow if we plant the seed and help it grow. Planting seeds for me is marketing everyday and I am now seeing the fruits of my work.

Raymond Richard

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Newbie 101: My Gift To You

Newbie 101: My Gift To You: As I learn to make money online or off I have learned that what I do or don't is totally up to me. Today I was on a webinar with Stephen Pie...

My Gift To You

As I learn to make money online or off I have learned that what I do or don't is totally up to me. Today I was on a webinar with Stephen Pierce he wrote "Make Real Money On the Internet" he talked about who you are is what you feel and value determine our Identity. How you organize data for meaning is your thinking. What conclusion determine your jugments. Then what you do is your Actions. What you Achieve is your Results!
I would like to share this with you because he will challege you to look at how you see yourself which controls the other actions that effect our outcomes in life. Example some days I don't want to do my business or even work out, but how can we reap if we have not sowed? We must focus on the outcome not the work we have to put in! Stephen helps you make a mind shift.\
Take a look at this webinar its Fee my gift to you as I learn I pass on to you.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Fear of Failure or Success

Today is a new day for me, why? I know the power of choice. Today I decided to start my day with a work out. Okay I did not jog around the block or through the woods. No I just ran up and down the steps then did push ups to get the heart pumping.

This is a Success for me. We all have a need to avoid pain and to gain pleasure. When we procrastinate we feel it will be more painful to take action. I did not want to jog so I made all types of excuses in my head but when I made it a must to be healthy I look at the stairs as a way to start some where.

We need a drive to create a change. We need to focus Pattern of success and failure when something a must we follow through. I feel for me my drive to be better to give more of myself push me to work out today. I feel if I can have more energy, I can give that energy to my wife and kids. I can be more productive at work. When I give someone one of my business cards or speak with on the phone he or she can feel the positive energy I give.

We all have an internal association of pain (Failure) or Pleasure (Success) so today the small steps for me is toward pleasure. I will continue to build on this movement this then will create a pattern. So what can you do? According to Anthony Robbins’ there are five things to do.

1. Get disturb- Things you what stand for

2. Know what you are after- move toward it.

3. Massive Action Plan

4. Change your belief- belief controls our actions

5. Challenges the old belief all turn around are turnarounds in beliefs.

Take control and get totally certain be clear find a mentor read his or her blogs but all the information in the world won’t help if you don’t take action! The mentors that get leads do this everyday, that is discipline! I have found a program that helps you get leads with great training , it teaches marketing technique to keep your business in front of people that is looking for a business. See how it works and get started for FREE here: http://www.mybwbsite.com/4627666